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Friday, January 13, 2012

Wow! Gua Kristal Ais Yang Menakjubkan (15 Gambar)

Gambar-gambar yang menakjubkan ini telah dirakamkan di sebuah gua kristal ais yang terletak di bawah Vatnajokull, glasier terbesar Eropah di selatan Iceland. Suhu di dalam gua ini boleh mencapai sehingga -120 darjah celsius.

BBB: Wow! Subhanallah! Sungguh menakjubkan. Sangat indah pemandangan di dalam gua ini. Terasa ingin ke sana pula!

This is photography of most beautiful and Wonderful crystal ice cave photography, this photographs are captures by talented artist photographers, These photography of Skarphedinn Thrainsson of Reykjavik venture below Europe’s biggest glacier in southern Iceland to take stunning photos of the shifting ice caves that lay under Vatnajokull. This cave temperatures is arrive at -120 Celsius underneath the 3,100 cubic kilometers of the Vatnajokull glacier, the caves melt and freeze with the seasons which make unsafe circumstances for spelunkers willing to explore the glittering caverns. Entering ice caves is risky, due to the truth that the ice can fall down any time. We had a recent tragic accident where a photographer lose life while exploring the glaciers in Iceland and it is advised never to climb alone into the glaciers, Below ice caves are really so beautiful and attractive and its also create a wish inside of my heart to go there and see the beauty of nature form my own eyes. We listed here some beautiful photography pictures of blue ice cave.

 Click untuk besarkan gambar.

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